Solicitor Provider support session - Sponsoring International Staff

Opportunity to ask questions about sponsor license information; record keeping and documentation, and sponsor duties and compliance

Extraordinary Full Council meeting

View details of the extraordinary Full Council meeting to discuss devolution and local government reform

Essex County Council - Provider Hub
Text size:

Manual Handling Practice

In this podcast we explore what information is important to include within manual handling risk assessments and handling plans. We will discuss how to record the information to ensure this provides the detail required. We will also look at what the guidance suggests and consider what alterations we may need to make in certain practice situations.

Manual Handling Matters - Risk Assessments and Handling Plans

Prosper Toolkit

Pressure Ulcer Safety Bed

Pressure Ulcer Safety Cross

Pressure Ulcer- Driver Diagram

Pressure Ulcer - Trigger Tool

30 Degree tilt

Pressure Ulcer Categorisation

LOVE GREAT SKIN Nutrition Factguide

LOVE GREAT SKIN - Skin Inspection Sheet


LOVE GREAT SKIN - keep moving factguide

LOVE GREAT SKIN - Skin improve factguide

Are your Patients Feeling The Pressure

Prosper Compact Mirror & Blanching Keyring guidance

REACT to Red: Pressure Ulcer Prevention for Care Homes

REACT to Red training booklet

Useful Links:

Safeguarding Adults Protocol - Pressure Ulcers and the interface with a safeguarding enquiry - Updated 16th January 2024

This document helps practitioners and managers across health and care organisations to provide caring and quick responses to people at risk of developing pressure ulcers.

It also offers a process for the clinical management of harm removal and reduction where ulcers occur, considering if an adult safeguarding response is necessary

This includes a decision guide body map and concern proforma

Pressure Ulcers: How to Safeguard Adults

The winning entries from the Prosper Champion Study Days Hydration Poster competition.

Howard Lodge - Their DRINK poster is informative with information on how to increase nutrition and hydration

Honey Lane - A simple yet striking Traffic Light poster for Nutrition and Hydration 

The Oaks, Lexden - An eye-catching reminder to Eat right & Stay Hydrated to Feel Healthy poster a great reminder for both staff and residents!

Lime Court - A great reminder on boosting hydration throughout the morning with their Litre Before Lunch poster

Mouth Care Toolkit

Oral Health Quick Guide for Care Home Managers

Oral Health Assessment Tool

CDS Online Training Toolkit.

Instructions for using the Tool Kit:

  1. Staff need to read through all the slides and the accompanying notes at the bottom of the slides. (you will need to click 'enable content' at the top of the presentation to watch the videos)
  2. At the end of the presentation there are online links or a QR code (which staff can scan with their phone) which takes them to our evaluation form and quiz.
  3. Once staff have completed the online quiz and evaluation form CDS are automatically notified and can then issue them with an oral health certificate.
  4. Please note the email address they put on their evaluation form is where their certificate will be sent.
  5. Please ask staff to write their full name on their evaluation (as they would like it to appear on their certificate).
  6. Certificates may take a few weeks to come through as we process the forms in order they are received.

Training Toolkit for Adults with Additional Needs

Useful Links with resources:

Nutrition and Hydration Week

Think Kidney

Sepsis Poster

This is a pre recorded training session by Caroline Robinson, Senior Occupational Therapist in the Provider Quality Team.  

The session aims to increase understanding of Fatigue caused by viral infection or chronic conditions, enabling care staff to better support someone who is experiencing fatigue.

Long COVID Fatigue can be watched anytime via this link

OT Bite-size Long COVID Fatigue Session

Good Hydration Videos

Good hydration! - The urinary system - Part One

Good hydration! -Spotting the signs of dehydration - Part Two

Good Hydration! - Improving Hydration - Part Three

Good hydration! - Medicines, kidneys and urine - Part Four 

Good hydration! - Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) - Part Five

Good hydration! - Improving hydration through structured drinks rounds - Part Six 

Last updated: 01/11/2024