The below map is showing the district breakdown of total number of people all ages receiving care services funded by Essex.
This is how much of the whole Essex population we provide support to:
- 90+: 16% of the population
- 85-89: 8% of the population
- 75-84: 3% of the population
- 65-74: 1.1% of the population
- Other: <1% of the population
The graph showing numbers of people receiving services in age group split by districts.
We can see that West Essex has a particularly low volume of younger adults being supported, and we see the spike in central and North-East Essex for younger cohort.
For people aged 65+ North Essex is as expected, but there is a particular spike in Basildon in older people support.
Tendring is showing to be a focus for supporting people aged 85+, and Harlow and Castle Point are seeing a disproportionately higher number of adults being supported in this age group.