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Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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Essex supports a significant number of adults with learning disabilities who have needs that evidence that they are ageing, some of them prematurely when compared to the older population. For some of these individuals, their primary need under which they are eligible for social care support will continue to be associated with learning disability. For others, their primary need may change and they may be better suited to services supplied within the older person market.

Due to the significant number of older adults with learning disabilities, it is important to have a set of standards for the services who support these individuals. ECC will measure which services meet these standards, and the information will be used when considering appropriate placements for older adults with learning disabilities. Note that these standards apply to both Supported Living and Residential Care.


This section sets out the standards required of providers who are accredited under our Ageing Well initiative to deliver services to adults with learning disabilities and/or autism (LDA).

There are two different provider markets that will be operating within these services, being those that are primarily LDA focussed but are looking to support older adults and those that are primarily older person focussed but are looking to support older adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. As such these standards are split into two sections in order to reflect the additional requirements we have.

Set Questions

Providers are required to complete a number of set questions in order to ascertain level of understanding around the Ageing Well cohort and how ageing impacts adults with learning disabilities and/or autism.

These questions only need to be completed once, and at the outset of the provider’s application to be approved to work with the Ageing Well cohort in Essex. There may be occasions in the future where Essex County Council require the provider to re-complete the responses to these questions or to answer additional questions, but this will be communicated as and when required.


Providers are required to self-report on their attainment of the measures set out within this document. There are multiple measures that have been set out and these have been split into sections, with standards then listed out within each of these categories.

KPIs will be checked on a regular basis and as outlined within the following pages. There is no set format for the reporting of KPIs but the information requested must be provided to the Council within the dates that are specified from time to time.

Failure to attain the standards that are set out within this document will result in the provider failing to achieve the Kite Mark for Ageing Well – but does not preclude any providers from re-applying.

Learning Disability/Autism and Older Persons Provider Standards for ageing well.







Section 1: Training

Standard 1

Staff will have completed the Oliver McGowan mandatory training in LD and Autism to a minimum of Tier 2.

80% have completed the Oliver McGowan Mandatory training at any given time.

Annual Return with evidence of staff that have undertaken the training.


Standard 2

Understands the context of Ageing well with a Learning Disability. Recognises early warning signs of frailty and is aware of common health conditions associated with ageing.

Provider can demonstrate that they have in place, strategies for using soft signs tools/observational tools to identify when someone is showing signs of ageing., irrespective of chronological age.

Answer set questions

Initial requirement

Standard 3

Can illustrate the value and usage of Health tools.

80% of people where relevant have:

·         an Annual check and resultant Health Action Plan

·         Baseline assessment

·         Hospital passport

·         Wellbeing/ill being check

·         Sig7/restore2/Is my Resident well

Spot check – request a randomised sample of documents from adults within the cohort for review.



Answer set questions.

Initial requirement

Standard 4

Can illustrate the value and usage of well-being tools 

80% of people will have:

·         Life story ‘book’ or equivalent

·         Memory box

·         Future Plan for ageing well, reviewed annually

·         Communication Passport updated annually.

Spot check – request a randomised sample of documents from adults within the cohort for review.



Answer set questions.

Initial requirement

Standard 5

Key staff will have completed the Ageing Well Train the Trainer course, to be able to train other staff on Ageing Well.

Provider self-reporting on number of staff across their total staff group, to have attended internal/ECC Ageing Well training within the past 12 months and 80% of staff working with this client group have been dementia trained by the organisation.

Provider sharing training records for both Train the Trainer and Ageing Well. ECC cross referencing to their own attendance records for Train the Trainer.


Standard 6

Key staff and supervisors have undergone the Dementia “Train the Trainer” course to be able to cascade the knowledge to other staff on appropriate practices

Provider self-reporting on number of staff across their total staff group, to have attended internal/external Train the Trainer within the past 12 month and 80% of staff working with this client group have been dementia trained by the organisation.

Provider to share Training records for both Train the Trainer and Dementia. 






Section 2: Skills and Knowledge

Standard 1

Knowing how to get resource and support from LD specialist health staff.

Provider can speak with confidence about the range of specialist support available for people with LD as they age.

Answer set questions.

Initial requirement

Standard 2

Appropriate TEC and apps are in place to support independence

Provider can evidence a range/use of TEC in place and how this assists with continuing independence.

Answer set questions

Initial requirement

Section 3: Recording

Standard 1

Documentation such as a Future Plan, Health Action plans, Communication Passports, etc., should be considered as the property of the individual and therefore be in a format that they understand.

80% of people supported will have person centred documentation in a format that they understand. Examples to be provided.


Spot check – request a randomised sample of documents from adults within the cohort for review.



Standard 2

Regular reviews of the individual’s health and wellbeing are carried out beyond the day-to-day record keeping, and that the outcomes of these are recorded.




Provider can demonstrate all documentation specific to ageing, is kept to a standard with potential to withstand scrutiny and any legal challenge.

Spot check – request a randomised sample of documents from adults within the cohort for review.



Standard 3

Recording of activities, daily logs etc demonstrates activities and outcomes aimed at slowing or preventing decline, and keeping the individual fit and well for as long as possible


80% of people supported will have a Future Plan in a format that they understand which details how their health and well-being will be maintained and is reviewed annually.

Spot check – request a randomised sample of documents from adults within the cohort for review.




Standards in addition to the above for Older Persons Providers






Section1: Training

Standard 1

Appreciates the History of Learning Disability and the resultant disadvantages that someone with LD brings with them into the ageing process.

Provider can demonstrate an awareness of learning disabilities and how this affects the ageing process.


Answer set questions.

Initial requirement

Standard 2

Has an awareness of Learning Disability and Autism and specifically the Oliver McGowan mandatory training in LD and Autism available through Skills for Care.

80% have completed the Oliver McGowan Mandatory training at any given time.

Annual Return with evidence of staff that have undertaken the training.


Standard 3

Has knowledge of common LD conditions such as Down Syndrome and Dementia/Autism. Is able to evidence how they would source information on specific syndromes as required.

Provider can demonstrate knowledge of common LD conditions and speak with confidence with regard to sourcing additional information.

Answer set questions


Initial requirement

Standard 4

Understanding of Inclusive Communication for people with a Learning Disability.

Provider can demonstrate knowledge of a range of methods of communication in relation to LD.

Answer set questions


Initial requirement

Last updated: 14/10/2024