Solicitor Provider support session - Sponsoring International Staff

Opportunity to ask questions about sponsor license information; record keeping and documentation, and sponsor duties and compliance

Extraordinary Full Council meeting

View details of the extraordinary Full Council meeting to discuss devolution and local government reform

Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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Market Vision

To have a range of offers in the community that support peoples Mental Health and Wellbeing. That offers are proactive and are designed to promote early intervention, prevent escalation of needs and support recovery. That offers are tailored to meet specific local population needs, giving choice and control for people to choose their support in their communities. That we embed Co-Production by those with lived experience into all services.

Key Aims and Objectives:

  • To have a range of community offers tailored to support local needs, designed and developed by those with lived experience.
  • To support the Essex community to navigate mental health services including, IAG, digital, telephone, local and national offers.
  • To have a co-produced digital service that integrates with current CYP offer promoting mental health and wellbeing in the community.
  • To support transitions from CAMHS to prevent escalation into EPUT for those that do not meet criteria.

Embed Recovery Colleges, and education and employment

1 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2024

Description: The development of Community offers that support early intervention and prevention. These evolving offers will be driven at place by locality requirements and support Southend, Essex and Thurrock Mental Health Strategy while integrating with NHS long term plans for Community based Mental Health.

Key Milestones:

  • Community funding programme to support Mental Health outcomes in the community.
  • A navigation tool that supports local offers and support residents to identify the right support by supporting them as their needs increase or decrease in the community.
  • A digital solution co-designed by people with lived experience and system partners to support people with their mental health to remain independent in their communities, provide support while waiting to access services, and support those in their communities in recovery.
  • A test and learn to support CAMHS outpatients that do not transition into EPUT with a community offer.
  • Employment and Recovery colleges embedded into community systems supporting people at locality. 


3 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2027


To improve Mental Health outcomes in the community by developing further understanding of locality needs and working to support community offers to drive mental health outcomes and SET priorities post NHS community Mental Health community transformational work.

Key Milestones:

  • An established and Mental Health support navigational tool used by residents and professionals to access and escalate in services that promotes local offers.
  • An embedded digital platform that provides Mental Health support for people in the community supporting early intervention and prevention
  • A team that supports transitions into the community from CAMHS for those that do not meet EPUT criteria preventing escalation of need into EPUT services.
  • The development of the community offers by supporting the CVS to deliver Mental Health outcomes in the community.
  • ACL and Employment offers are Essex wide and embedded into communities supporting residents at locality.


7 Year Delivery Plan by 2030


A developed community-based offers that integrates with clinical and social care services, offering a range of support that allows residents to have choice and control of how they are and offers a range of options. Allowing residents to engage and select the support best for them.

Key Milestones:

  • A robust community offer that is aligned around PCN’s to support residents.
  • Community based data that shows impact of services on clinical and social care services allowing further development of prevention and early intervention support that has proven outcomes.
  • A range of offers that allow for people to select what they believe will help them empowering choice and control of services.

Workforce recruitment and retention

  • Working in partnership with the Southend, Essex and Thurrock Mental Health Strategy will drive forward key priorities around Early Intervention and Priorities which includes access to local services. This will work to understand demand and where resource is needed to support community services. The All-Age Access workstream and reporting will also support the identification of services that deliver Early Intervention and Prevention services that the Community Support Fund (in development), Mid and South Essex Mental Health Inequalities Fund, and other funding can support with retention and workforce capacity.  

Capacity and demand management

  • As part of the All-Age approach, we are working to understand how we can improve access to services including early intervention. As part of this work, we will be able to collect service demand data which will support commissioning intentions

Putting lived experience at the centre

  • Working with lived experience across the mental health system to understand how we improve Mental Health outcomes as part of the All-Age work. This includes internal Mental Health Co-Production Officers, EPUT lived experience groups, Health Watch Mental Health ambassadors and soon to be engaging with CAMHS Lived Experience group 

Delivering good quality services

  • With the Integrated Support and Mentoring Service that is currently being prepared for tender as part of the Multiple and Complex Need services co-commissioned with Public Health. This service is co-produced and has Co-Production embedded throughout the service and will bring Co-Production into the evaluation and contract management of the service to ensure the right serves are commissioned and the service delivery meets needs and provides good quality service.  

Technology capability

  • Developing options to improve access and create a digital offer for Mental Health support in the community to support people early in their journey and through recovery as part of the All-Age work

Promoting Financial Sustainability

  • Developing Mental Health Community Grant Programme. One of the key elements of this is how we can support CVS to develop and increase services while promoting financial sustainability following the grant. This will include some level of business support, bid writing, access to future grants etc.  

Integration with Health

  • Integration with health partners to look at community-based services that cover early intervention and prevention e.g., the Mid and South Essex Mental Health Inequalities Fund

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

  • Working to develop an Access tool that will include Early Intervention and Prevention pathways into mental health services. This tool will help us identify and capture user data to understand under-represented cohorts to look at ways we can engage and support further

Climate and Environment

  • Promoting online and local services limiting the need for travel and negatively impacting environment 
Last updated: 17/08/2023