Solicitor Provider support session - Sponsoring International Staff

Opportunity to ask questions about sponsor license information; record keeping and documentation, and sponsor duties and compliance

Extraordinary Full Council meeting

View details of the extraordinary Full Council meeting to discuss devolution and local government reform

Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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Market Vision

Increase choice and flexibility in the social care market through providing Individual Service Funds. Ensuring people have access to the right support at the right time form the right people.

Our strategic aims:

  • Increase the number of Care and Support Providers managing Individual Service Funds for their customers to ensure coverage across the whole of Essex.
  • Implement brokerage models were organisations broker relevant care and support from local and voluntary solutions.
  • Ensure people who receive care and support understand the benefits of an ISF and see it is a useful option of receiving their personal budget with increased choice and control.

1 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2024


By end of 2024 ECC will have organisations across Essex that offer ISFs to their existing and new customers. We will have developed the model so that it is replicable at scale to offer real choice for people who access care and support.

Key Milestones:

  • Work with home care providers to encourage them to offer ISFs
  • Implement a voluntary sector brokerage pilot
  • Coproduce the future model of ISFs in Essex
  • Identify niche elements of the market where ISFs are most effective
  • Begin to Link with ECC transformation and market development work to build in ISFs.
  • Identify 100 Essex residents willing to use an ISF as a way of accessing their personal budget.


3 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2027


By end of 2027 ISF will be well established in Essex and will be part of the core offer within ECC’s commissioned services for people with care and support needs.

Key Milestones:

  • Develop a thriving ISF market and build into the council’s business as usual processes.
  • ISFs will be integral parts of our transformation of services and market developments including home care and day care.
  • We will understand where ISFs are most useful and appropriate and focussed work will be delivered to promote ISFs in this way.
  • ISFs will be discussed by frontline practitioners as a useful alternative to managed services or Direct Payments.
  • People will feel they have real choice and how their personal budget can be used to meet their needs in a way that suits them and helps them achieve the life that they wish to live.


7 Year Delivery Plan by 2030


By 2030 ISFs will be fully embedded in practice and the core Adult Social Care offer delivering local and community-based support flexible and personalised support being delivered and brokered on behalf of people who access care and support

Key Milestones:

  • Most care and support providers will offer ISFs to their existing and new customers.
  • There will be a thriving marketplace that ISF providers can broker from leading to more personalised care and support from local and niche support organisations.

Workforce recruitment and retention

  • Increasing local jobs through brokering local solutions, better retention through more rewarding jobs and providing support to help people live their lives they want to live.

Putting lived experience at the centre

  • The future strategy for Individual Service Funds is being co-produce to ensure they are implemented in a way that meets the needs of residents.

Delivering good quality service

  • More opportunities to provide flexible bespoke, and personalised support.

Promoting Financial sustainability

  • Better use of resources through allowing flexible working to maximise the use of the personal budget.

Technology capability

  • A digital planning tool 24/7 grids are being used to ensure people understand how their personal budget is being spent and the impact upon their independence of the support brokered/delivered

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

  • Through creating flexible arrangements this increases the opportunity to have more culturally sensitive and appropriate care and support.

Climate & Environment

  • Allowing flexible care and support means less wasted journeys and allows provision to be local reducing the need for travel.
Last updated: 17/08/2023