- Develop Supported Accommodation Strategy
- Increase supported accommodation options for Adults with Physical and sensory Impairments
- Implement new supported accommodation model for Adults with Mental Health
- Continue the implementation and embed the recommendations of the Independent Living Extra Care Review; to make best use of current schemes and to enable the development of new schemes
- To implement “ Stepping stone Homes” apartment in extra care and sheltered accommodation.
- Establish our need for highly specialist supported accommodation/residential to meet needs of people with LD&A being discharged from long term secure placements.
We will support as many people as possible, to live independently at home through excellent home support, adaptations, equipment, and care technology. Where people need a higher level of support, we want to offer alternative accommodation with care and support across the county, so that people can continue to live in their community for as long as possible.
- To develop 9 new Independent Living schemes (540 units)
- To develop 4 new Supported Accommodation schemes for Adult’s with complex Learning Difficulties and Autism
- Short term residential reablement service for adults with Acquired Brain Injury developed
- To develop 22 “Steppingstone Home” apartments in 14 extra care schemes
- Work with LHAs to increase access to general needs housing and on the development of robust pathways out of supported accommodation schemes
- Implement specialist supported accommodation services.
- To review old schemes that will be no longer fit for purpose
- Accommodation Strategy fully embedded across all cohorts (including specialist support for Learning Disability and Autism)
- Supporting people’s independence in the place they call home for as long as possible
- We want all people that need supported accommodation to have a choice of high-quality accommodation that meets their needs
- We want to influence the design of circa 200k new build homes, communities and supporting infrastructure by 2050 to ensure they are inclusive and accessible for all adults
- We want to influence and facilitate the best use of the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) to support people’s independence
- Improved working with our 12 Local Housing Authorities (LHAs), registered providers, health, and other partners to ensure choice and capacity are available for residents to enable their continued independence