Many people who receive a direct payment are buying care and support from the same organisations that ECC purchases care and support from. This is often as a result of the fact there is a limited personalised market available to buy from.
Community micro-enterprises are intentionally small organisations who work in the local community they live in and provide personalised and tailored support for people. Their business/enterprise is built upon their reputation in the community, so they have a vested interest in providing good quality support.
ECC are encouraging and supporting the set-up of community micro-enterprises to increase choice for people in terms of the support they receive. The council provide information and signpost to advise and ensure the enterprises are following the “doing it right standards” to maintain quality of provision. Our focus is on South and North local areas currently and a road map is being developed to ensure coverage across the county.
People can purchase support from a community micro-enterprise through their direct payment. The council are also exploring options as to whether it is possible to purchase support directly form a community micro-enterprise