Essex County Council currently commissions a single advocacy service providing both statutory and non-statutory advocacy. This service is delivered by Voiceability and is available for all eligible children, young people and adults within the administrative boundaries of Essex (excluding the unitary authorities of Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock). The all-age advocacy hub encompasses the following services:
Statutory Services
- Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA).
- Paid Relevant Person Representative (RPR).
- Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA).
- Independent Care Act Advocacy (ICAA).
- Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA).
- Independent Advocacy for Children and Young People.
Non-statutory services
- Advocacy for the parents of children subject to, or undergoing an assessment for, a Child in Need or Child Protection Plan
- General Advocacy.
- Peer and Citizen Advocacy.
In addition, the current advocacy service encompasses the provision of non-statutory community based, citizen advocacy to ensure that those individuals not eligible for statutory advocacy services can be supported to have their voices heard through the use of volunteers and the promotion of other low cost/no cost solutions.
This service commenced in July2024 following extensive coproduction, and the current contract will expire in 2029. The Council, in conjunction with partners and people with lived experience, has undertaken a procurement exercise to recommission the advocacy service. The new contract will go live on the 1st of July 2024.