'Here for You' service
'Here for you' is a psychological support service for staff who work in healthcare, social care, the voluntary sector or not-for-profit sector in Essex or Hertfordshire, as well as those who work in an Essex or Hertfordshire organisation, but are based elsewhere. This service is available to anyone who is struggling, with professionals on hand to confidentially talk through any problems you're facing, whatever they may be. It has been set up to support all staff, whether they are frontline or not.
It is run by the Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) and Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT).
Please make sure your staff are aware of the service. You can download the poster and use pre-written communications (for newsletters, emails & websites) to spread the message.
Contact 'Here for You'
You can call the service 24/7 to confidentially talk through any problems you're facing, whatever they may be, on 0344 257 3960.
Email: hereforyou@nhs.net
Website (Access free resources including videos, content and downloads): https://www.hereforyou.info/