Provider Hub Survey

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Important update on Devolution

This update comes from the Leaders of Essex County Council, Southend-on-Sea City Council and Thurrock Council.

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Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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"Over 90% of services rated good or outstanding for being well-led by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) were also rated good or outstanding overall." 

Source: Skills for Care


Registered Managers Network

Please see note below from Essex Registered Managers network:

My name is Kerry Austin and I am a Registered Manager working within Essex. I have formed a Registered Manager's Network (as the chair!) with Skills For Care. The group meets every three months, normally in Kelvedon and we network, listen to guest speakers around hot topics and have the opportunity to get together with like minded Manager's - all battling with the same lonely issues. It's tough running a service and wearing all the 'hats' at the same time; we all understand this and are there for each other.

Not only do we have the group network meetings but we also have a WhatsApp group which Registered Manager's can join, to not only keep up to date with what's going on in Essex but also an advice line for guidance (and sometimes a much needed moan!).

If you are interested in joining the network then please contact Kerry Austin at or 07919 522341 for more information.


My Home Life Essex

The MyHomelife Leadership Support Group offers care managers/deputies space and support to help them reflect upon their own practice, and that of their staff, and engage in a 'journey' of positive culture change within their own homes.

Find more details on this and other Quality Innovation Team initiatives.


Last updated: 14/10/2024