What is the difference between the Median Rate and Cost of Care rate?
The Median Rate is a calculated figure from providers that have completed the cost of care tool. The median rate is the midpoint range of a series of numbers/figures. As part of this calculation figures that are well above or well below may be discounted is they are proportionally out of range of what is known as an allowed tolerance.
How do you calculate the Cost of Care rate?
The Cost of Care rate is a validated figure as a result of reviewing the analysis of provider submissions and the median rates, previous cost of care tools, financial factors such as inflation and our commercial prospective of the market.
How do you apply the Cost of Care rate into future procurement or refreshes?
Each service or contract will use the intelligence provided by the Cost of Care exercise and financial envelope within our Adult Social Care budget. The Team will work with stakeholders to agree if any financial uplifts are required for that specific contract and will make recommendations on any strategic uplifts across a service or contract.
For an annual refresh this process is usually started in September/October each year and implemented in the following April. For any annual refreshes it is subject to the financial envelop provided by Central Government.
Is the Market Sustainability Plan the same as your Market Shaping Strategy?
The Market Sustainability Plan is document developed specifically for Central Government to provide assurance that as a local authority we have a clear understanding of our existing market and the direction of travel we plan to implement over the next 2/3 years. Our Market Sustainability Plan was actually developed at the same time as our Market Shaping Strategy. Our Market Shaping Strategy will be issued in February 2023.
The Market Sustainability Plan does also include a section on the potential impact of the Social Care Reform to the Council and our social care market. The impact has been identified and the Council will be working with our providers to understand the full impact to day-to-day market activity and shape the delivery of the Social Care Reform for October 2025.