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Help us understand what’s working, what could be better, and how we can make things easier for you.
This update comes from the Leaders of Essex County Council, Southend-on-Sea City Council and Thurrock Council.
Access confidential advice, counselling, GP appointments and a huge range of savings across the UK’s major retailers
Find contact details for our social care teams
Children's Services
Using technology for greatest impact and to support people's independence
Submit adult safeguarding referrals through the online portal.
Information about our Quality audits and training available to upskill your workforce
ECC and Care England's offers for the care market
Map showing number of ECC funded adults supported by service and area
Projects and tools to support your recruitment and retention
Funding to help providers adopt a Digital Social Care Record
Adult Social Care Market Position Statement
Keep up to date with all the latest news and events
Information about our Domiciliary contracts and contacting the team
Information about our older people accommodation contracts and contacting the team
Information about our Adults with Disabilities contracts and contacting the team
Information about our Mental Health contracts and contacting the team
Information and guidance on Social Value