1 Year Delivery Plan by end 2024
For the next 12 months, ECC plan to ensure that our residential market is sustainable and continues to work in collaboration to shape our residential market across Essex. The IRN Contract is in place until 2025, however work will commence to shape our future contract in alignment with the Market Shaping Strategy and the planning implementation of the Social Care Reform.
Key Milestones:
- Coordinate and implement Year 4 Annual Refresh of IRN for April 2024, including consideration of how we can better commission a response for complexity.
- Initiate discussions with our residential market on the impact of the Social Care Reform.
- Initiate discussions on our market shaping strategy and the future contractual mechanisms for our future IRN Contract.
- Work with the market to continue to increase our workforce in the residential sector and ascertain a longer-term plan to increase supply and skills set of our workforce.
3 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2027
By 2025, a new IRN Contract will be in place which will continue to align with our Market Shaping Strategy and the necessary changes as a result of the Social Care Reform.
Key Milestones:
- Work with our strategic providers to increase the use of digital social care records, Essex Care Search and improve existing pathways in sourcing or managing packages of care.
- Implement new ways of working as a result of the implementation of the Social Care Reform and ensure our residential market are prepared and have clarity on new expectations for their business.
- The new integrated residential and nursing contract will be in place for residential care homes incorporating a response to increased complexity of need.
- Secure increase in provision in West and resizing of residential capacity in North Essex.
7 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2030
By 2030 a much more integrated model will be in place, bringing together community-based NHS services, care home provision and out-reach support into people's homes. This will be coordinated with the neighbourhood teams.
Key Milestones:
- 2028-29 project to review the IRN contract will be in place
- 2025-28 engagement with providers across the care sector and NHS to develop relationships.