1 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2024
Description: To implement Discovery and Definition phase of Commissioning Cycle for Residential and Nursing offer ensuring approach is people centred
Key Milestones:
- Engage strategically and develop partnerships within whole system inc. ECC, ICB’s and MH Trust
- Review existing Residential and Nursing provision across County and identify areas for improvement to ensure good quality.
- Conduct a cost of care exercise for mental health residential and nursing care provision
- With support from EPUT, explore need and demand for Residential and Nursing provision across County accounting for place-based need.
- Communicate with key stakeholders inc. individuals, family/advocates (both visually and inclusively)
- Develop EQIA
3 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2027
Description: To implement Development and Delivery phase of Commissioning Cycle for Residential and Nursing offer – shape and build
Key Milestones:
- Work in collaboration in whole system to strengthen strategic partnerships.
- Ensure continued communications with key stakeholders inc. individuals, family/advocates (both visually and inclusively)
- Develop Co-production to inform future commissioning intentions inc. tender ITT pack.
- Develop EQIA
- Co-Develop model, pathway and ITT pack including specification.
- Commission provision
- Map individuals to provision
7 Year Delivery Plan by 2030
Description: To ensure the Mental Health Residential and Nursing offer across Essex is meeting demand and need
Key Milestones:
- Provision in Essex is mobilised and becomes BAU
- Embed and expand Move on provision ensuring individuals move through the wider MH model and pathway enabling flow and capacity.
- Increase Move on provision.
- Review MH Residential and Nursing offer across county
- Develop model and pathway in line with EQIA and through analysis collated by key stakeholders.