Solicitor Provider support session - Sponsoring International Staff

Opportunity to ask questions about sponsor license information; record keeping and documentation, and sponsor duties and compliance

Extraordinary Full Council meeting

View details of the extraordinary Full Council meeting to discuss devolution and local government reform

Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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Market Vision

Market Vision: CQC

To transform Mental Health Residential and Nursing offer across the county with Mental Health Trust and ICB’s, aligning with SET MH Strategy.

Key Aims and Objectives:

  • Improve health and social care outcomes for individuals and providing holistic support.
  • Establish MH Residential and Nursing provision needs and demand.
  • Work with Providers and EPUT to maintain and improve quality provision
  • Develop Co-production to inform future commissioning intentions.
  • Where appropriate we are taking long term provision for a very small number of people.
  • Adults are supported to move on into independence in the community.
  • Adults provided with care suitable for their needs close to their area of connection.
  • Develop and deliver offer of MH Residential and Nursing provision across county meeting needs of population accounting for place-based need.
  • Avoidance of preventable admissions and reduce/eliminate out of area placements.

1 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2024

Description: To implement Discovery and Definition phase of Commissioning Cycle for Residential and Nursing offer ensuring approach is people centred

Key Milestones:

  • Engage strategically and develop partnerships within whole system inc. ECC, ICB’s and MH Trust
  • Review existing Residential and Nursing provision across County and identify areas for improvement to ensure good quality.
  • Conduct a cost of care exercise for mental health residential and nursing care provision
  • With support from EPUT, explore need and demand for Residential and Nursing provision across County accounting for place-based need.
  • Communicate with key stakeholders inc. individuals, family/advocates (both visually and inclusively)
  • Develop EQIA


3 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2027

Description: To implement Development and Delivery phase of Commissioning Cycle for Residential and Nursing offer – shape and build

Key Milestones:

  • Work in collaboration in whole system to strengthen strategic partnerships.
  • Ensure continued communications with key stakeholders inc. individuals, family/advocates (both visually and inclusively)
  • Develop Co-production to inform future commissioning intentions inc. tender ITT pack.
  • Develop EQIA
  • Co-Develop model, pathway and ITT pack including specification.
  • Commission provision
  • Map individuals to provision


7 Year Delivery Plan by 2030

Description: To ensure the Mental Health Residential and Nursing offer across Essex is meeting demand and need

Key Milestones:

  • Provision in Essex is mobilised and becomes BAU
  • Embed and expand Move on provision ensuring individuals move through the wider MH model and pathway enabling flow and capacity.
  • Increase Move on provision.
  • Review MH Residential and Nursing offer across county
  • Develop model and pathway in line with EQIA and through analysis collated by key stakeholders.


Workforce recruitment and retention

  • Monitoring provider employment KPI's met in line with tender Social Value submissions
  • Appointing suitably qualified/experienced commissioning workforce providing clear direction and support as required and ensuring good health and wellbeing

Capacity and demand management

  • Ensuring EQIA's refreshing to inform provision
  • Collation of data and intelligence including tracking move through, move on, impact of MoF to inform commissioning requirements and intentions

Putting lived experience at the centre

  • Ensuring co-production within tender development and commissioning cycle
  • Developing an expert by experience group in partnership with providers with MoF support where required

Delivering good quality services

  • Working in alignment with SET MH strategy
  • Developing market shaping toolkit
  • Working in partnership with the Mental Health Trust and providers supporting providers with landlords where required
  • Ensuring providers meet ECC accommodation standards with annual compliance checks undertaken
  • Ensuring providers deliver KPIs monitoring monthly/quarterly as outlined in contract and implementing remedial action plans with mitigation and accountable representatives (providers, ECC, and partners) where required

Technology capability

  • Working in partnership with technology teams across ECC, ICB, Mental Health Trust, and providers to ensure all intelligence required to inform the model, pathway, and future commissioning intentions can be captured and analysed

Promoting financial sustainability

  • Working in partnership with ECC and ICB finance partners to establish commissioning financial envelope accounting for need and demand (intelligence required inc. from ICBs)

Integration with Health

  • Working in partnership with the Mental Health Trust and ICB to ensure model and pathway deliverables are achievable adapting and shaping as required
  • Ensuring providers are working in partnership with the Mental Health Trust to ensure flow and capacity

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

  • Ensuring provision is accessible to all meeting needs and highlighting gaps and issues as they are identified
  • All protected characteristics considered in developing the model, specification, and housing standards

Climate and Environment

  • Monitoring provider KPIs met in line with tender Social Value submissions and to ensure ECC accommodation standards met, locality of provision is suitable (account for local crime data), and working with neighbourhood teams, landlords, etc.
  • Working with the market when developing commissioning intentions
Last updated: 17/08/2023