1 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2024
To continue to refine in county provision for LDA, to investigate and refine demand for those with physical impairments. To have a strong understanding of demand
Key Milestones:
- To have developed the new Accommodation Strategy
- Decision on future of Bramble close site – potential complex residential provision
- Understanding of demand for residential provision across the county
- Continue to investigate deregistration of residential to supported living
3 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2027
To have a clear understanding of residential demand, and to have worked with the market closely on this. To have issued new accommodation strategies following this work. To have complete and active outcomes for those in receipt of residential services
Key Milestones:
- To have continued with de registration and right-sizing provision
- To have embedded the new accommodation strategies and to progress
- To have developed additional PSI accommodation of required
- To have sufficient capacity in the market for residential demand
- Development of complex services if required
- To ensure services continue to embed into local communities
- To increase delivery to individual objectives.
7 Year Delivery Plan by 2030
To have right sized the provision for residential in Essex for Adults with disabilities, having delivered on the accommodation strategies.
Key Milestones:
- To renew the accommodation strategies as required
- To have a clear understanding of future demand
- To have right sized the residential provision in Essex
- To ensure that the necessary provision is robust and good quality and delivering to individual objectives and embed services in the community