1 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2024
By end of year 1 new contract in place. - A new contract has been put in place for this service
Key Milestones:
- New contract with Medequip in place
- Service established with appropriate monitoring and learning mechanisms in place
- Partners approval to ordering processes, checks and balances
- Handover of stock and staff transfer from previous provider planned and managed
- Expansion of partnership to include West Essex NHS
3 Year Delivery Plan by end of 2027
New contract established
Key Milestones:
- Successful delivery of new contract evidenced by performance KPIs
- Strong relationships with other social care suppliers and system partners
- Collaborative contract management approaches in place between ECC, NHS partners, Medequip and people receiving support from the provider.
- Strengthen links to Care Tech contract
- Regular horizon scanning to ensure catalogue keeps pack with improvements to equipment design and supply
7 Year Delivery Plan by 2030
Further contractual round
Key Milestones:
- Project plan in place for the next contractual round due 2028
- New contract in place and delivering
- Secure and robust partnership agreement