Provider Hub Survey

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Important update on Devolution

This update comes from the Leaders of Essex County Council, Southend-on-Sea City Council and Thurrock Council.

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Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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Focus of this strategy

This strategy is primarily focused on addressing 6 critical themes that emerge from our market context and data and from the workshops and engagement we have held:

  1. Addressing care market workforce recruitment and retention challenges
  2. Ensuring effective management of capacity and demand, both now and for the future
  3. Putting lived experience of the person at the centre of what we do
  4. Ensuring delivery of good quality services
  5. Digital & Technology that maximises independence and workforce efficiency
  6. Promoting the financial sustainability of the sector as a whole

These are our foundational building blocks for success. But we have also identified other themes from market engagement events that have highlighted the importance of key enablers (such as technology and integration) and the importance of diversity and inclusion, social value and environmental sustainability – these are addressed too. 

The visual below shows the foundational buildings blocks for success identified through our market engagements

Addressing care market workforce recruitment and retention challenges

  • About 12% jobs are vacant and the number of vacancies grew 33% in 21/22 (Skills for Care)
  • Lack of pipeline of new entrants to care sector among younger age groups, and 28% workforce already over 55
  • Lack of career progression opportunities

Ensuring effective management of capacity and demand, both now and for the future

  • There are some supply issues in parts of the county, especially for domiciliary care and complex care
  • There is an over-supply of residential care beds, and this is likely to widen 
  • Intermediate care services are fragmented and cannot fully meet demand

Putting lived experience of the person at the centre of what we do

  • Lack of co-ordinated mechanism for capturing lived experience across the system
  • Personal Assistant market is under-developed and lacks support
  • Information, Advice and Guidance is fragmented and sub-optimal

Ensuring delivery of good quality services

  • 80% providers are good or outstanding, but this means 1 in 5 require improvement or are inadequate

Digital & Technology that maximises independence and workforce efficiency

  • Care technology is under-utilised in the sector and can support independence and quality of life
  • Opportunities to support workforce efficiency and workload

Promoting the financial sustainability of the sector as a whole

  • Financial challenges facing council and care providers and major national care charging reforms due October 2025
Last updated: 28/03/2023