Collaboration has been vital and key to our delivery during the recent years. We have worked with our huge network of organisations and suppliers to ensure information, practice and most importantly a shared approach to delivery aids our business needs. This has involved
- Fast tracking the utilisation of data and insight, and the use of technology as part of the health and social care service offer.
- Progressed activities with the NHS which has pushed forward our agenda for joint collaborative working, decision making and future market shaping.
- Establishment of the 5 place-based alliances, lead by the locality directors along with representatives from children’s services and public health; district/city council representatives; the voluntary community sector and the NHS and others.
- Collaborative working with the Essex Care Association to ensure insight is shared with our market and where possible maintain market resilience with our strategic providers.
- Continued partnership working with the ADASS Regional group on workforce, social care markets, innovation in joint working on agreed tasks and technology.