The guidance below can help you understand the particularities of tendering processes with public sector and ways of getting the most from Social Value.
- How to bid for Government contracts as an SME effectively: if you are new to bidding for public sector contracts, this is a useful guide on how to bid effectively developed by the Cabinet Office.
- SME Tender Support Guide: guidance developed by Connected Places Catapult provides introductory information for SMEs new to procurement, bids and tenders with public sector.
- SME Guide to doing business with public sector: guidance developed by Tussel with practical advice to help businesses overcome barriers that might be presented in tendering processes with public sector.
- Getting the most from Social Value. A step-by-step guide for SMEs and VCSEs (PDF, 775KB): guidance developed by the National Social Value Taskforce and the Local Government Association.
We are providing links to external resources to aid general knowledge development only; these links do not imply endorsement of particular products, services or organisations. When bidding for ECC contracts always read the tender documents provided and follow the instructions carefully.