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Calling all Care Workers! Launch of the Essex Care Worker Survey

New Safeguarding Portal

Individuals and professionals can now submit adult safeguarding referrals through a new online portal.

Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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PROSPER AWD runtime dashboards are an excellent tool in detecting and demonstrating trends in the number of falls, diet & digestion or ageing associated issues are occurring each month.

The graph below clearly demonstrates that following a relatively stable period of falls per month, an upward trend developed from Nov 17 onwards. In this instance it would be appropriate to set a SMART aim to try and turn the trend around. Two possible ways of doing this would be to either set a SMART aim to the end of 2018, when you would probably want to be down to the previous levels of falls per month.

SMART Aim - By end of 2018 falls to be no more than six per month.

Or alternatively, if you felt this may be too challenging, you could split the period in two, which would allow you to 'take stock' after three months.

SMART Aim - By end of September 2018 falls to be no more than 10 per month.

If this was achieved, it would have turned the trend around. You could then decide whether to continue to aim for six by the end of year, or whether a consolidation period may be required before trying to reduce the number further. 

A graph showing number of falls over time

Peaks on Dashboards

One good aspect of a runtime dashboard is it shows trends over a period of time, however, data can sometimes create what are known as 'peaks' as shown below.

top of a graph showing dashboard peaks

'Peaks' may be caused for a number of reasons; there may have been an infection in the home, or a respite resident having frequent falls. So, whilst you would want to be aware of a 'peak', and give some thought as to why it occurred, it would not necessarily be advisable to set a SMART aim based on a 'peak'. It is only if the data remains high, or continues to rise, would it becomes a trend, and a SMART aim should be set.

Remember: There will be natural peaks and troughs in any set of data.

Last updated: 30/08/2023