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Important update on Devolution

This update comes from the Leaders of Essex County Council, Southend-on-Sea City Council and Thurrock Council.

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Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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Residential Spot Application

Please read the following carefully so you understand what is needed in order to proceed with your application.


1. Application Documentation

Click on the below link to download a Residential Spot Application Document for completion. Please ensure you answer all questions.

Download: Residential Spot Application Document

Before you submit your application please use the following checklist to confirm you have completed all relevant documentation.

  • Completed ‘Residential Spot Application Document’
  • Completed ‘Residential Care Provider Contact Details Form’ (Section 8.2.2 of the application form)
  • Completed ‘Information Risk Questionnaire’ (Section 14.1.2 of the application form)
  • Signed Company Letter (Section 15.1 of the application form)
  • Void cheque / Pay in slip / PDF Bank Statement (Section 16.1 of the application form)

Note: we only contract with companies that own the care homes and we do not pay VAT on social care services.

Please email all of the above to


2. Meeting with Council Officers

The Procurement Team require that they meet with any potential new providers prior to services being delivered. Essex County Council will contact you with suggested dates to meet at your Head Office or Essex service location if different during the application process. 


Framework Application


1. Proactis eSourcing Registration

In order to provide services to Essex County Council you will need to be a registered provider on our supplier portal; Proactis.  It is free to register and, following registration, potential suppliers can respond to the council's tendering opportunities online. The portal is used by Essex County Council to manage the tendering process electronically; reducing both time and costs. Please note that the Proactis eSourcing Portal is the only route to take part in Essex County Council tenders so it is important that you are registered.

Please sign up HERE 

Essex County Council produces a document detailing all future business opportunities on a weekly basis. In order to take part in a particular opportunity, you will need to email the project team who will then be able to formally invite you to take part via Proactis eSourcing portal.

The Integrated residential and nursing framework (IRN) 2025, is now open for bids between 24th December 2024 and 11th February 2025, 12 Noon for providers to join the New Framework for the next six years.

The current IRN Framework 2019 is due to expire on 31st May 2025. All current framework providers will need to submit a NEW bid to join the Integrated Residential and Nursing Framework 2025 for older peoples placements from 1st June 2025.

To access the opportunity providers need to register for Procontract HERE . Once registered please access the opportunity (Reference RFX DN702954 OPR004 IRN 2025) and view the bidder guidance documents for instruction on how to complete your submissions.

Instructions on how to submit your bid are available HERE

You can find the current list of opportunities here


If your application is successful you will be able to view your remittance via our electronic Abacus Extranet system. This is an internet-based application, which is free to register, and all necessary training will be offered. Details on how to sign up to the service will be provided during your application process.

Last updated: 24/12/2024