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Calling all Care Workers! Launch of the Essex Care Worker Survey

New Safeguarding Portal

Individuals and professionals can now submit adult safeguarding referrals through a new online portal.

Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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The Mosaic record will have a check box to help identify if the person has an LD and is now also showing signs of ageing - LD/OP  

This box should be checked for every person that you consider is on the ageing well pathway, irrespective of chronological age. This will signal to SPT that they should seek to source services from those Providers who have received training in Ageing well and have evidenced their knowledge skills and experience against a set of standards, in order to be on the ECC ‘Accredited Provider list for Ageing Well’.  

Contact contractmanagement.adults@essex.gov.uk for further information on the standards for accreditation of Ageing Well Providers.  

Completed checklists for ageing well reviews should be scanned into the Mosaic record and cross referenced to the review. Where copies of completed tools have been provided also scan those into the Mosaic record cross referenced to the review.  

The Review record should include details of the evidence that was seen with regard to the ageing well tools, confirmation that they are up to date and still relevant for the current circumstance. In addition, note any actions required of the Provider, to make sure that everything relevant is in place.  

Last updated: 28/10/2022