Essex Shared Lives scheme recognises the importance of proper information in making informed decisions. Our referral procedure aims to be prompt, thorough and fair to everyone concerned. We will provide information about Essex Shared Lives and ask for information about the person referred to the service that is based on their assessed needs and wishes. We will tell the person in as short a time as possible whether we can meet their needs and if not, we will tell them the reasons why.
How will this happen?
We will start by giving the person clear information about what kinds of accommodation and/or care and support we provide, and which people can make use of this. This will be included in our Statement of Purpose and our Service Guide. We will give this and other useful information to the person and/or the person’s family or representative and to the person’s Care Manager / Social worker referring the person. The information will be written in plain English or another language or format that the person can easily understand, or we may use a DVD or a short film or some other way of communicating if the person prefers.
The referral process should include the following:
- Written information about the needs of the person being referred to the Shared Lives scheme. We will not be able to proceed with a referral until we have this. This could be a local authority community care assessment or a self-assessment if the person’s local authority / service commissioner has agreed a process for this. If the person does not already have an assessment of their own needs, we will arrange for a suitably qualified person to discuss and agree this with them and/or their representative. If we need any specialist information, such as nursing or occupational health, we will ask the persons permission and work with the person and/or their representative to plan for this too.
- A visit to the person and their family, if the person wishes, so that we can explain about Shared Lives, they can ask questions and so that we can also get to know more about the person. A visit will be at the person’s home, our office or somewhere else if the person prefers.
- If the person, and/or their family, wish to continue with the application, then further discussions would take place to obtain more information about the person’s needs and wishes.
- We will use all this information and the information we already have about our Shared Lives Hosts to decide whether we have any Shared Lives Hosts who can meet the person’s needs. This is known as the matching process. If we do have Shared Lives Hosts that we think the person will like and who can meet the person’s needs, we will arrange for the person to meet the Shared Lives Hosts to help them decide whether they want to go ahead with an arrangement.
- If:
- we do not provide the kind of accommodation or care or support the person is looking for
- or the person does not fit the criteria for our service
- or we cannot find any suitable Shared Lives Hosts
we will tell the person and their Care Manager / Social Worker who referred them as soon as possible and we will also explain the reason/s for this in writing.