"At Essex Carers Network we hope this toolkit will serve as an information resource for families and a way to start further discussion with their loved ones and with health practitioners. Being curious about ageing well with a learning disability and using the toolkit to think about those health inequalities, we hope will better inform families to support their loved ones to age well." - Essex Carers Network
Where to find further information
We hope that you have found this information on ageing well with a learning disability, interesting and informative.
If you have any questions or need any support, please email us at info@essexcarersnetwork.co.uk or call us on 01255 554029.
The following links have more information, ideas and prompts to support you to support your loved one as they age.
- Ageing Well Toolkit for Providers
- (Add link to online version of families and Carers’ toolkit)
- Downs-syndrome - health and wellbeing
- CQC- inequalities
- Gold standard health checks - Essex
- Essex Carers network - easy read - Advocacy
- NHS - Advocacy
- Advocacy for all
- ELDP - The Way In
- ELDP - specialist services
- NHS - Going into hospital
- Adult Social Care - Occupational Therapy
- ELDP - Specialist Learning Disability Occupational Therapy
- ELDP - Learning Disability Community Nurses