- 5,200 residential (including nursing) placements
- 225,000 domiciliary care and supported living hours per week
At time of setting next year's budget, as at February 2024, the medium range scenario for future years indicates a gap between the Council’s expected funding streams and the Council’s expenditure.
After delivering 100% of all existing planned savings, the gap is expected to be £22m in 2025/26 rising to £51m by 2027/28.
There are no assumptions made around future levels of council tax in arriving at the gap from 2025/26 onward.
The figures above are net of income.
There will be a continued focus on commercialism where possible, effective contract management and working with partners to secure value for money in delivering our strategic aims and priorities. We will be redesigning services where appropriate to ensure they remain modern and fit for purpose
- Provider failure and market stability – availability of workforce, and the market’s expectation about fee levels moving to the Fair Cost of Care median rate.
- Social Care reforms remains uncertain on the level of funding and costs associated with the revised implementation dates.
Below shows the breakdown of our cohort budget for 2024/25: