Solicitor Provider support session - Sponsoring International Staff

Opportunity to ask questions about sponsor license information; record keeping and documentation, and sponsor duties and compliance

Extraordinary Full Council meeting

View details of the extraordinary Full Council meeting to discuss devolution and local government reform

Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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All local authorities conduct a wide range of benchmarking activities to better understand comparative performance and value across key services. We use this information:

  • To inform budget setting
  • To prioritise and drive improvements
  • To ensure members have the opportunity to compare performance with other similar local authorities and regional neighbouring authorities

In 2022-23 we received 37,087 new requests for support compared to the previous years 42,054.

The Adult Social Care numbers for Essex:

  • 39.8% (14,756) of the new contacts went on to receive some form of support from the council, and 158 were resolved with advice or directed support in the community.
  • 9,377 people used reablement services to help them regain their independence, and 69.5% of adults following reablement no longer required services.
  • 3,428 people went on to receive a long-term service. Out of these, 2,680 received community care (3,344 in 2021-22) and 748 went on to nursing or residential care (774 in 2021-22).
  • 1,944* people went on to receive other forms of short term, or ongoing low-level support.

*There is a large decrease in ongoing low-level support in community 65+ (4,068 in 2021-22), we are unsure what happened here and are waiting for the 2023-24 figures to see if this trend continues, it could be a change in recording method.

In 2022-23 this is how we supported Essex people:

  • 20,249 adults with long-term support needs during the year, a slight increase compared to the previous year (19,494).
  • 69.2% of all adults with an ongoing service were supported in their own home, this is a slight increase from previous the year (69%).
  • 37.6% (13,637) of older adults (65+) receive residential or nursing care.
  • 14.8% (2,995) of all adults decided to take their Personal Budget as a Direct Payment, this is a slight decrease from the previous year (15.6%).
  • 25.8% (6,612) of working age adults have a full direct payment, and only 4.4% (13,637) of older adults (65+) have a full direct payment.

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework is a national database that monitors the quality and impact of adult social care services. The below table shows how well we performed in 2022-23 compared to last year, and it also shows our performance against National and CIPFA 10*** averages.

Last updated: 31/03/2024