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Supervision, Competency and Appraisal
Supervision should be completed with staff regularly and can be a mix of one to one, group or observational sessions. You should consider standard agenda items such as safeguarding and health and safety and should also aim to discuss training and development opportunities as well as areas which are relevant to the role. Supervision should be retained on file for each member of staff and be signed by the employee and supervisor.
Competency Assessments
Competency assessments should also be completed on a regular basis and should include areas such as medication administration, manual handling and care delivery. The assessments themselves should be comprehensive and be a clear record of what has been assessed and observed as well as any supplementary conversations that have been had. Where an individual has been deemed as not competent, there needs to be consideration for next steps such as retraining which should be evidenced and retained on file.
Performance appraisals should be completed on an annual basis and be a clear record of discussion, performance of the individual, matters specific to job role, training opportunities and any other relevant matters. The records should be retained on file and be signed by the employee and the person completing the appraisal.