- Provider Hub
- Quality
- Quality Innovation Team
- Dementia Programme
Dementia Programme
The Provider Quality Innovation Team is committed in supporting care services to provide the best possible care for people with Dementia.
Our Innovation programme for Dementia has included;
- Person Centred Dementia Care training
- Virtual Dementia Tour
- Imagination Gym
- Dementia Interpreters Course
- Activity Co-ordinator's Workshops
- Montessori for Dementia and Ageing
- Distressed Behaviours of a Person with Dementia
- Namaste Care for Advanced Dementia at End of Life
If you are a provider of Adult care services in the Essex County Council Local Authority area and are interested in any of the above please email quality.innovation@essex.gov.uk.
All our current courses and events are listed on the Events page.
Dementia Training Videos
A series of training videos produced by Norfolk & Suffolk Care Support
Dementia Training Videos | Norfolk & Suffolk Care Support (norfolkandsuffolkcaresupport.co.uk)