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Calling all Care Workers! Launch of the Essex Care Worker Survey

New Safeguarding Portal

Individuals and professionals can now submit adult safeguarding referrals through a new online portal.

Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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Market Context

ECC’s outcome is that young people, adults and families have a stable home where they can maintain their independence.

ECC want to improve outcomes to promote and improve individual recovery, remove delays in the accommodation pathway and prevent admission to acute services, hospital inpatient provision and residential care.

Through taking a co-production approach working with people with lived experience and wider stakeholders we know that having a decent place to live supports individuals recovery and independence.

However, the ultimate ambition is for people to be living independently in their own homes with little or no support (because they have recovered) so move on from supported accommodation is a key area of focus. To enable move on ECC want to explore the private landlord accommodation market and not just rely on the City District and Borough Councils. As a wider health and social care system we need to improve the community offer and increase connections to maximise community resources

Market Rating


Market Quality Market Supply ECC Demand
Moderate Moderate High
Market Quality = Moderate Market Supply = Moderate ECC Demand = High
ECC Ambition Market Workforce Market Maturity
Manage Supply Low/Moderate Established
ECC Ambition = Manage Supply Market Workforce = Low/Moderate Market Maturity = Established

ECC rating of the market, assessed on the 01 October 2022

ECC currently commissions a range of different levels of services through a variety of different arrangements.

  • Contracted Intensive Enablement Services
  • Framework for Supported to Independence
  • A range of spot contracts
  • A small number of block arrangements.

There is currently too much supported accommodation in this market although the mixture between shared housing and self-contained units is not right and there are some gaps in certain geographical areas which results in people being placed outside of their normal district of residence.

The standard of accommodation is variable.

Essex Market   
No. Placements 350
No. Schemes 50


Essex ASC Market (ECC Funded)  
Spend £4 Million

The information shown in the table(s) above is correct as of 30th September 2023

Commissioners are currently working to implement a new, transformative model for mental health supported accommodation across the County. This new tiered model, which includes Intensive Assessment Beds, Complex, High and Medium and Low level provision will go live in North and West Essex from October 2022, and it is hoped that the same model will be implemented across Mid and South Essex from 2023. Tender documentation will be released to the market at the end of March 2022.

There has been some impact within accommodation over the last two years, with staff and clients becoming unwell and needing to isolate. However, at present the impacts are being managed within the system.

The new model for supported accommodation will require providers to work differently. There have been several engagement events to shape the model and to ensure that that providers understand the expectations and differences of the new model.

New accommodation standards are being introduced as part of the model and there are some gaps between current provisions and new standards.

Due to a phased approach to implementation being taken, the Mid and South areas of the County will continue with existing arrangements for 12 months longer than North and West.

We are currently reviewing our MH supported accommodation and have developed a new model which takes more of a whole system view. In the past what we have tended to do is look at specific elements in isolation and we know that there are significant bed and accommodation pressures across the whole pathway, so we have tried to take these into consideration. Our drivers are to ensure that people are in the most appropriate place to support their needs with the ultimate goal of them living as independently as possible in the community.

ECC is introducing new minimum accommodation standards as part of this work.

There is significant focus on the development and implementation of the new model currently, with a tender planned to commence late spring early summer 2022

There is also focus on improving the outcomes for clients in existing services, particularly in relation to move on to independence and community connection.

Last updated: 30/09/2023