- Provider Hub
- Quality
- Quality Innovation Team
- Domiciliary Care Programme
Domiciliary Care Programme
Our Domiciliary Care programme includes a series of information sessions aimed at supporting care staff to be better equipped to manage some of the complex issues they face on a day to day basis.
The Quality Innovation programme has included ;
- Person Centred Dementia Care
- Dementia Interpreter
- Behaviours that Challenge
- Parkinson's awareness
- Oral Healthcare
- Catheter Care Management
- Pressure Ulcer Care
- Stoma Care
- Sepsis
- Stroke awareness
- Manual Handling of Bariatrics
- Infection Control
- Diabetes
- Mental Health
- End of Life Hospice Training
- My Home Life Leadership programme for Domiciliary Care
- Complex Needs and Neurological Conditions
- Manual Handling Train the Trainer
- Dignity in Care
- Care planning
Dates, venues and booking details are uploaded on the Events page as they become available.
Domiciliary Care Toolkit- with resources and links to online training
If you are a Domiciliary Care Agency providing a service in the Essex County Council Local Authority area and would like to be added to our distribution list for invites to training and events and receive our bi-monthly newsletter please email quality.innovation@essex.gov.uk