An original pilot in North Essex has finished however, additional funding was secured from Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board and North East Essex Integrated Care Board to scale-up.
Over the last 12 months, Essex County Council in partnership with Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care board has been trialling falls prevention technology in care homes across the North of Essex.
The device is like a smoke alarm and passively monitors people in the care home, one device is in the bathroom and the other one goes in the bedroom. The solution has no cameras, wearables or buttons.
The technology has been supporting with negating long lies by identifying and alerting all types of falls to onsite carers within 4 minutes. This covers all types of falls from slump in chairs to hard falls and has proven 100% accuracy.
Alongside the falls detection, the proacting monitoring identifies changes in behaviour which can support preventative and personalised care. An example of this would be more trips to the bathroom could be a UTI or medication side effect and need further investigation.
Both Suffolk and North East Essex and Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board secured additional funding for falls prevention technology.
Care homes experiencing high falls or A&E admissions.
Mid and South Essex
North East Essex
Contact Name
Ellie Anderson (Mid), Craig Archer (South), Simon Williams (North)
Useful links: Senior Care Technology Based On RF Sensing | Vayyar Care
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