Get Set for Work is an inclusive support service delivered by Get Set UK on behalf of Essex County Council. The programme brings new support services to adults with a learning disability and/or neuro-diverse needs, living in Essex (excluding the Unitary Authorities of Southend on Sea Borough Council or Thurrock Borough Council).
The Service works alongside ECL LIVE Service. The key difference being that ECL LIVE gets people into work, the Get Set For Work programme supports people to get work ready, or to sustain employment.
Get Set for Work focuses on three key areas of support:
- Support for employers who want to create a more inclusive workplace
- Job coaching for individuals with learning disabilities and/or neurodiversity in the workplace
- Holistic support for individuals and their families and/or carers to overcome barriers to exploring employment opportunities - to help get more adults ready for work.
For Employers
The Service provides support for businesses. Laying a strategic foundation for more inclusive and disability confident workplaces. Including
- bespoke information, advice and specialist guidance,
- training packages
- coaching
- accessibility audits
- inclusive strategies
For adults in work
The Service offers intensive in-work support for adults who have had a change in circumstances or who are at risk of losing their employment. This includes:
- job coaching support for up to 16 weeks to overcome barriers at work.
- The job coach puts a plan in place between the employee and employer to promote inclusivity and support communication
For Families
The Service provides Independent support for families, adults and providers to help get more adults ready for work. This includes:
- better off calculations
- vocational profiling,
- signposting to travel training
- confidence / skills building.
The support available for those getting closer to employment is the support into voluntary positions and possible work experience
For more information about the service Get Set for Work | Inclusive support service | Find out more
Contact information:
Telephone: 0330 341 3939
The easiest way to contact the service is through their Get in touch form. If you would prefer to speak to someone, call between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday
Enquiry Form: Get-Set -for-Work-Enquiry-Form