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Important update on Devolution

This update comes from the Leaders of Essex County Council, Southend-on-Sea City Council and Thurrock Council.

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Essex County Council - Provider Hub
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Essex County Council recognise that employment is an important part of life for all people for many reasons, including economic benefits, social status, relationships and health and wellbeing. Having a job can facilitate independent living, give greater opportunity to engage in society and is often a key part of an individual’s identity.

Meaningful employment can increase an individual’s self-esteem and sense of belonging, however for people with disabilities gaining and sustaining employment can often be far more difficult than those without disabilities.

Employment is a key focus area of the Meaningful Lives Matter (MLM) Programme, ECC’s four-year transformation programme for people with a learning disability and/or autism. Our local strategic ambition is to increase the number of adults with disabilities in meaningful, and sustainable, paid employment.

We will achieve this by:

  • Working with partners to Increase the number of people with disabilities into meaningful paid employment
  • People, families and practitioners taking a strengths-based approach to employment as the default for those with care needs who have the potential to work
  • Effective support mechanisms are established to ensure employment retention and progression
  • Early approach to support: readiness/preparation starts in education
  • Shift in people accessing buildings-based day services to paid employment

Commissioned Services

Employment services are non-statutory but aim to improve outcomes and wellbeing for people. We believe that employment is a key enabler to supporting wellbeing and independence and can help people become less reliant on statutory health and social care services.

In Essex we are fortunate to have a number of initiatives and provisions to support people to gain meaningful employment. Services are aimed to help, support and offer advice for adults with disabilities to build confidence and improve their skills and to find and sustain paid employment.

A transformational contract between ECC and ECL. Seeking to deliver supported employment support to adults with disabilities who are aged 18+.

ECL will accept referrals from:

  • Social Workers (transitions and adults)
  • Self-referrals
  • Voluntary and Community sector organisations
  • Health
  • Colleges

ECL will work with Adults with learning disabilities and/or autism with ambitions of gaining voluntary or paid work. ECL will enhance all opportunities available to adults by:

  • Identifying possible employers
  • Developing CV’s
  • Arranging and mediating interviews
  • Skills development
  • Work experience
  • Induction support and on the job coaching

Contact information:

Telephone: 0333 0135438



Essex County Council run a scheme named the Learning Disability and Autism Business Grant Funding scheme.

This is an opportunity for new and existing businesses to apply for funding to create paid employment opportunities for people with a Learning Disabilities and/or Autism.

The scheme is aimed to stimulate growth in innovative sectors of the market.

In 2021 Adult Social Care funded five supportive businesses in Essex.

A second round of funding is planned for Summer 2022. For further information please email 

Get Set for Work is an inclusive support service delivered by Get Set UK on behalf of Essex County Council. The programme brings new support services to adults with a learning disability and/or neuro-diverse needs, living in Essex (excluding the Unitary Authorities of Southend on Sea Borough Council or Thurrock Borough Council).

The Service works alongside ECL LIVE Service. The key difference being that ECL LIVE gets people into work, the Get Set For Work  programme supports people to get work ready, or to sustain employment.

Get Set for Work focuses on three key areas of support:

  1. Support for employers who want to create a more inclusive workplace
  2. Job coaching for individuals with learning disabilities and/or neurodiversity in the workplace
  3. Holistic support for individuals and their families and/or carers to overcome barriers to exploring employment opportunities - to help get more adults ready for work.

For Employers

The Service provides support for businesses. Laying a strategic foundation for more inclusive and disability confident workplaces. Including

  • bespoke information, advice and specialist guidance,
  • training packages
  • coaching
  • accessibility audits
  • inclusive strategies

For adults in work

The Service offers  intensive in-work support for adults who have had a change in circumstances or who are at risk of losing their employment. This includes:

  • job coaching support for up to 16 weeks to overcome barriers at work.
  • The job coach puts a plan in place between the employee and employer to promote inclusivity and support communication

For Families

The Service provides Independent support for families, adults and providers to help get more adults ready for work. This includes:

  • better off calculations
  • vocational profiling,
  • signposting to travel training
  • confidence / skills building.

The support available for those getting closer to employment is the support into voluntary positions and possible work experience

For more information about the service Get Set for Work | Inclusive support service | Find out more

Contact information:

Telephone: 0330 341 3939

The easiest way to contact the service  is through their Get in touch form. If you would prefer to speak to someone, call between 9am and 5pmMonday to Friday

Enquiry Form:  Get-Set -for-Work-Enquiry-Form

Additional Employment Support

Targeted Employment Team

The Targeted Employment Team support people aged 16 – 24 and local stakeholders to champion employment aspirations and build pathways to employment. The targeted employment team bridge the gap between education and employment.

There are 4 key areas that the targeted employment team prioritise:

  1. Social enterprises
  2. Supported internships
  3. Traineeships
  4. Inclusive apprenticeships

For further information:



ACL- Adult Community Learning

ACL offer a wide range of courses across Essex to support people to learn new skills, increase knowledge and become job ready.

Some courses are particularly tailored for people with a learning disability:

  1. Supported learning
  2. Vocational courses
  3. Employability courses
  4. Supported employment programme

For further information:

Telephone: 0345 6037635




Last updated: 07/02/2025